Hey, DJT still has only 62 million votes, a few more than Mitt in 2012. Those few more are actually, and rightfully, disgruntled blue-collar Dems.
So here’s a plan: Win back a few of those working-class Dems and you can forget the worthless millennials, who are too ensconced in their self-righteous political correctness. Let them go Green, then they can pay their own tuitions and move back in with mommy, since they’re too lazy or 4:20’d to vote. Maintain the minority vote with legitimate social goals and intra-party deal-making.
Most of all, stick to New Deal coalition politics, and quit worrying about DJT’s Alt-Right neo-fascist bluster. He needs to tweet his base, which is only 20% of his coalition, but good Dem politics will leave many of them disillusioned. Bottom line: The DJT coalition is weak and will collapse of its own accord, with DJT seeking medical treatment prior to his impeachment. Pence is too weak to manage the left-overs and Ryan’s bogus plan is already DOA with the vast majority of the working class.
Time is ripe to win back the Senate in 2018 and 1600 Pennsylvania in 2020 with the ?/Booker ticket.