Why does the Trump Gestapo want the FISA issue publicized? For three reasons. First, because they want ALL of the warrant supporting documentation funneled to the Trump-Putin team in Moscow. Page has contacts world-wide. NSA is aware of those contacts. Moscow needs to know who they are in order to have them eliminated. And not just Page’s contacts. Remember, most of the documentation underlying the warrant is not related to Page. Trump-Putin goons really want that data, as Trey Gowdy will not provide it to them (What! An honest Republican?)
Furthermore, if Rosenstein is gone, his replacement can forward ALL future FISA documents to the Trump-Putin team, essentially moving our DNI office into the Kremlin. Finally, Special Prosecutor Mueller’s efforts can be terminated. Law lackey Jonathan Turley admitted as much this morning to Fareed Zakaria in making his case for “True Transparency”. UPDATED: Ditto for Will Hurd to George Stephanopolous, although he tried to save his a** by saying that he cannot confirm underlying information that contradicts Nunes’ memo, as that would be a violation of law. In this way, with these willing co-conspirators, Capo Trump can become Putin’s “Number One Capo”.