Trump is Somewhat Correct on This Issue

The Anti-fa rabble is no better than the alt-right hooligans.

President Trump is correct in his statement that the recent violence and hatred is present on “many” sides. The Charlottesville alt-right groups are likely in a category by themselves, as they have presented no coherent statement or theory of their principles. At least the Fuhrer successfully promulgated his Mein Kampf.

The alt-left is, in fact, a similar coalition of nondescript semi-literates. This observer’s several years in and around Berkeley can attest to the unwelcome presence of off-campus aging socialists and malcontents who crawl out of their rent-controlled lairs in order to “educate” the university students. They are now reinforced by the “freedom loving” Anti-fa hooligans who likewise have yet to produce a manifesto for action beyond breaking windows. At least the Free Speech and Weatherman movements set forth salient democratic principles.

The media’s reactionary defense of the Anti-fa rabble, student or otherwise, is a reminder of Weimar’s several years of street clashes which only led to authoritarian rule. In this regard, it is the media which has been unwittingly stampeded into the Anti-fa glorification, and it is this uncritical media which must be condemned. At least for the sake of Berkeley, UVA and all other legitimate loci of valid criticism.


What do you have to say, Pilgrim?