President Donald Trump -Day Two: Bomb North Korea!

Time to Bomb North Korea!

Today is not the time for the new President to squeamishly cave to the whimpering  appeasers and their “peace-loving” admirers of a cautious foreign policy. Today is not the time for hesitation, it is the time for leadership. Russia is testing us in Syria, Europe, Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya. Next week, they will move on Latvia. A demonstration of resolve in North Korea will put an end to this Russian adventurism and, possibly, Putin himself. China and Iran will play the roles of silent witnesses, with subdued protests. Our liberal isolationists can return to their complaints about someone’s golf outings. Now, not later, is that rare opportunity to both eliminate the world’s most dangerous pariah and to restate the U.S. position as the leader of the free world. Failure to act now will most assuredly result in a true conflict within 2 years that will end the free world as we know it. Secretary Tillerson, please advise that lap-dog Lavarov that the missiles are on the way – to North Korea. Now, Sasha, what are you going to do about that?

What do you have to say, Pilgrim?