Time for Russia to Join Special Prosecutor Mueller

Get smart, Russia!

President Putin, the train is about to leave the station. Time to get on board with our Special Prosecutor’s team before it’s too late – for you.

With the Donald Trump organization, you have bet on the wrong horse. By now, your amateur political analysts should have learned that the current administration is the most incompetent in U.S. history and is doomed to failure, and soon. If you read a little U.S. history, the lessons of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 (and the American Revolution) should be apparent – you don’t raise a dagger to the king unless you are assured of success.

Our current polls show President Trump’s base of support at 38 to 40%. President Nixon’s base of support exceeded 50% shortly before his final demise. Shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack, the U.S. delivered a decisive blow to Japan’s navy at Midway. And you should know that Hitler’s defeat was assured when Operation Barbarosa stalled at Moscow. In other words, situations can change rapidly.

For President Trump’s administration, things have changed rapidly. Our legal system, free press and popular majority have all prevailed. The President’s base of support will descend to the mid-20’s, where impeachment will become assured, but likely unnecessary, as the President will abdicate.

Your efforts have adeptly aided us in delineating our cowardly and corrupt Congress, not to speak of an uneducated and masochistic Republican voter base. Thank you for that. Our democracy, like Rome’s, has indeed deteriorated into near anarchy. Of course, the same can be said for Marx’s ideal state.

Our system has survived your attack, with little harm done – to either of us. It is now time for you to aid our legal efforts to quickly dispatch this administration into the dustbin of history. You just may find that the American people will be generous in the rebuilding of your struggling regime, as a healthy Russia is the guarantor of both European and Asian equilibrium.


What do you have to say, Pilgrim?