Perhaps the original tag “Wuhan Virus” was appropriate, in view of the likely source of the first transmission. However, since Trump was first made aware of the virus’ existence in early January, this is his baby.
The mere possibility of an outbreak, aside from early national security briefings, should have alerted The Dear Leader to the need for rapid expert analysis. By now, in early April, a central command authority does not exist, even though competent medical and logistic advice is available.
Rather, Herr Trump, along with his concubine Kushner and propagandist Joseph Goebbels Hannity, has continued with a messaging response, which itself is muddled and incompetent. The “wartime presidency” is thus one of message rather than substance. It is, in fact, a summary of the entire Trump presidency: a paradigm of incompetence which will forever brand the Trump name as a virus.