It was The Fuhrer’s Justice Minister Franz Gurtner who declared that the law was whatever the drug-addicted Hitler stated it to be. Mitch McConnell and his GOP lemmings likewise stand by the proven lunatic Trump. Who are these guys? How did they attain office? They never say “no” to the nearest dollar or ruble, that’s who they are – traitors all. The answer is that our democratic republic, with our republican values, is officially gone, and we now live in an authoritarian dictatorship. End of story. The eventual Democratic presidential candidate will be denied the sought office via an election literally controlled by Russian gangsters. No further discussion or electioneering is necessary.
The only remaining question is whether a justifiable civil war can successfully re-establish a new generation of republican theoreticians and statesmen. That outcome is unlikely, as the new generations, both U.S. and international, appear to be staunchly ideological in the mode of the French Revolution. While any surviving Trump adherents will likely face the gallows, the leaders of the 2030’s and beyond will be earth-environment-centric and adverse to any theory of economic distribution or privilege.
Of course there are unanticipated consequences, namely China and Asia. The American food baskets of Brazil, Argentina and California may preclude any revived nation-state format. The Allies only defeated the Axis powers by good fortune, FDR’s leadership and strategic mistakes by Hitler and Tojo. There is no guarantee of Western victory in the upcoming Trump war against Iran, Russia and China, especially with our current GOP turncoats. We must not forget that a significant element of the GOP lobbied for our alliance with the Axis Powers in that Second Great War. It may be wise to learn Mandarin Chinese now.