Those pure-bred American farmers, “Chuck and Nancy”, may have just saved President Trump’s legacy … and American-style politics itself, regardless of what HRC says (more on her later). Donald J. has spent a career putting various shades of lipsticks on a bevy of pigs, and bringing home the bacon.
Now comes his latest square-dance … forging a coalition of Democrats and Republicans to perform some heretofore impossible tricks, aka DACA, debt limit, budget deal and whatever’s left in the barn. Of course, his deplorable base will be offended, but they’re better off in the glue factory anyway. Ninety-proof Mitch and the Cheesehead will gladly take any credit left in the stable, regardless of ideological niceties. Good for them.
The biggest loser – HRC, of course. Again she’s ragging on Comey, the inexperienced bureaucrat (but fine lawman). An acute and politically mature stateswoman would place the blame where it belongs: on Robbie Mook for leaving the barn door open in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. And let’s not forget Huma handing her laptop to her dimwit husband.
The President is in a fine trap, but according to his own legend, he should be able to dress-up the outhouse and sell it to his base as a shiny new John Deere, especially if the corn is knee-high by the Fourth (as Chuck and Nancy’s plans should produce, in addition to Mr. Mueller’s heat lamp).
Hence a renewed age in American politics: right and left carpetbaggers banished to the cow-patch while the farmers utilize The Donald’s shucking skills to harvest a bumper crop. Sorry Bernie and especially sorry all you Steves.
For the President, it’s showtime. Perform now, or it’s back to The Apprentice.