Who, Precisely, Believes Fake News?

Must-read opinion by Anne Applebaum in today’s WAPO. Rather than answering her question, the Trump-Putin bots criticize her for asking the question: “Who, in fact, is incapable of comparing fact A to fact B?” Tech-savvy youngsters see right through it. Why can’t 30% of Trump voters? The answer: As “authoritarian personality” types, they seek to disparage…


WE DEMOCRATS can only take so much of this! Stop bashing FBI Director Comey and look at your own campaign. Who allowed that dimwit Weiner to get with 100 feet of Huma’s laptop? Or why didn’t Huma just avoid sharing it with him? Poor judgment, beyond the server itself. And regarding the FeeBees, what else…

Top GOP Rep Said What?

Top GOP Congressman Tells Trump To Release His Taxes“You’re just going to have to do that, it’s too important,” Congressman Jason Chaffetz said! Impossible! Rep Chaffetz has returned to reality for the second time in a month. In July, his Oversight Committee held hearings on USICE’ inability to deport convicted felons to their home countries.…

“The Outrageously False Charges of Perjury Against Hillary Clinton”

Chaffetz and Corrupt GOP at it Again! When will someone in the Mainstream Media speak up! (Kudos only to “With All Due Respect” on Bloomberg) Former President Nixon attorney John Dean writes in Justia.com: “Ironically, there are more false statements in the letter from chairmen Goodlatte and Chaffetz to the Department of Justice, which are clearly intentional, than…

The GOP – and America – After November

The Trump GOP Isn’t Done With Us Yet! The recent spate of descriptions of the Donald Trump GOP supporters has included everything from economic desperation to outright racism. Whatever the analysis, the most important fact is this: they’re not going away after the November election. It is therefore of little use to dwell on the “who…

R.I.P. G.O.P.

Today marks the official launching of this measly blog. Today is, furthermore, the official end of the Republican Party, as we have known it. That Representative Paul Ryan continues to ride the Donald Trump coat-tails, regardless of his rationalizations to the contrary, indicates that the new economic plan, presented Monday by the latter and touted by…

Bill Clinton Made No Mistake in Meeting AG Lynch …..

 He Did it on Purpose! Come on, media! Wake up to a little political gamesmanship, if not an outright Machiavellian gambit. President Clinton may be a little long of tooth, but he was fully aware, as was AG Lynch, that his tarmac meeting would cause a firestorm. Just long enough, 30 minutes, and just in time…