Hoe-Down in Hamburg

Is it image or oil?

It was to be expected that the President would buckle in the withering Moscow heat, but what was the story with Undersecretary of State Tillerson? Was he following Secretary Kushner’s instructions to “fail to remember” exact phrases, or was the Tejano intentionally obfuscating a pre-conceived plan to let bygones-be-bygones and move on to those Russian oil field leases?

Both the foreign press and American commentators contend that capo Trump was played by his mentor in failing to adequately express the vast majority of American citizens’ concerns over our future election processes. So what is the Administration’s (i.e., Donald J. Trump, private oligarch) objective now, rehabilitating his shredded credibility in order to promote a Republican domestic agenda, or quietly announcing a return of the two seized Russian safe houses in exchange for a joint venture in the Archangelsk Arctic? It is doubtful that his tweets will reveal the answer, as he implores us to watch what he does and not what he says.

What do you have to say, Pilgrim?