Donald Trump should resign now to save the GOP.

Now we know that Donald Trump is not guilty of treason, as that highest of crimes requires a mens rea that he is incapable of attaining. To wit, his complete melt-down at Helsinki and his subsequent, thankfully, capitulation to his own Deep State foreign policy and Cabinet professionals. Alas, some adults remain around the playpen.

But what now, Donald, he of the winnowing and shriveling but vocal base? How to retain a scoundrel’s honor?  Facing a resounding defeat in 2020 will brand him a loser, and a big loser – something anathema to him. The better choice: resign now, before the 2018 elections, save at least a vestige of a GOP House presence, and reclaim his status as victim. And most importantly, likely avoid his eventual criminal prosecution, AND JAIL SENTENCE, for obstruction of justice and conspiracy to violate our most cherished traditions.

Actual jail you say? Yes, with absolute certainty.

What do you have to say, Pilgrim?